Monsters Can't See Pink

Color perception is very different between species. Just as most mammals can't see longer wavelength colors like red and orange most monsters, even those with otherwise human-like color perception, can't see pink. It's not universal of course, but for the vast majority of monsters different shades of pink from palest pastels to deep rose and retina-searing hot pink all wash out to a mix of dull grays. That's why pink camouflage and equipment is so effective in dungeon environments and recommended for all adventurers planning expeditions with a chance of encountering monsters. It blends in with the bare stone walls of ruins and caves, rendering the wearer practically invisible as long as they make an effort to disguise their silhouette and hold still.

- Pink only provides an advantage against monsters that are primarily visual predators. It doesn't give any protection against creatures that hunt with other senses.
- While they can't see pink monsters can see True Magenta, which is as outside our color perception as pink is to them. They are aware of this.
- Be wary of anyone you meet who's not wearing pink. They're either dangerously inexperienced, not concerned about monsters, or after something else.

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