How are the guards tonight?

Unless you invested in perimeter golems, guards are people. They have off days, get distracted, and are people. It's unlikely that every guard you meet will be completely on top of things all the time, so roll for their mood when you come up to a guard post. This doesn't replace a reaction roll.

The guards are... (1d8)

  1. Attentive - On guard, doing a good job
  2. Nervous - On guard, overly attentive and jumpy
  3. Distracted - Focused elsewhere (weird noise, disturbing thoughts, personal problems, daydreaming)
  4. Bored - Inattentive, lost in thought, maybe dozing
  5. Grumbling - "Why are we even out here?"
  6. Asleep - Physically there but unconscious
  7. Patrolling - Roll again and they're mobile
  8. Missing

Tiny Coffins Challenge: April

 Welcome back! This month's prompt is:

"waking, hunger, and iron determination"

Early spring is a hard time in nature. The hopeful associations with renewal are something that we attached to the season. Yes, the snow's melting and it's warming up, but there's not much food yet. The winter forage is mostly gone, new plants haven't grown in yet, and most of the small prey is still dormant. The creatures that are active are running on the fumes of their winter stores and have to hold out until there's something to eat. One of the few things that thrives is skunk cabbage. It generates its own heat to melt through the snow and start growing weeks before other plants even sprout. It can survive frosts and drinks in the weak sun like nothing's wrong. The sheer moxie of this plant is breathtaking.