Experiment: The Tower That Follows You

The Tower That Follows You is something I've always wanted to use in a game. It's exactly what it sounds like, some feature of the world that follows the party and inserts itself into the local landscape as they move. The players can go wherever they like, do whatever adventuring they want, but that Tower is always there. It just shows up, no matter how far they travel. They never have to go in or interact with it if they don't want to, but the option is always there.

It feels like a fun mix of mysterious, ominous, and unsettling.

It's also important to remember that the thing following the party doesn't have to be a tower. I just think of towers as the default because they're dramatic and near impossible to miss looming in the distance. It could be any type of building or location like a dungeon mouth, temple, spooky old manor, or something as simple as a distinctive ornate door that keeps showing up on random walls. It doesn't even need to be man-made. The party could keep running into the same forest clearing with a fairy circle, the same tree, a particular prehistoric standing stone, or just a rip in space-time that keeps appearing.

The key things are that whatever's following is:

1) Conspicuous. Extremely obvious, easily visible, and distinctive so the players can't miss it. The rest of the world might not notice it (or think it's always been there) but the party has to know it's there and be able to recognize it as the exact same feature from past sightings.

2) Ready to go. It needs to be something the party can interact with whenever they decide they've had enough of its malarkey. That means it's got to be fully prepared and ready to run at a moment's notice.

3) A constant and unavoidable presence in the world that confronts the party just by existing. They can choose not to interact with it, but they can't ignore it's there.

The real fun is it might not even be something menacing. They might just have a fan who's a wizard with a mobile tower. No way to know for sure unless they go in and check it out.

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