Folk of the Trails

A vaquero's life is spent on the trails, shepherding others through the trackless wilds. Terrain most people would consider unnavigable. You've never had trouble finding your way and you've always made sure everyone depending on you got where they're going safe and sound.

Dented coffee pot
Duster (as light Armor)
Twin pearl-handled revolvers (Damage as Pistolets)
Iconic hat

Advanced Skills:
3 Ridin'
3 Ropin'
2 Quickdraw
1 Campfire cookery
-1 Instrumentation

Horses love you.
Non-euclidean spaces stabilize around you and anyone with you.

Bounty Hunter
It's your job to find people. sometimes they're wanted, sometimes they're missing, and sometimes they haven't done anything at all. You fetch them and get paid. You're not popular, but you're very good at your job.

Dartgun (Damage as Fusil, non-lethal, paralyzes and knocks target unconscious after 5 minutes)
Beat-up laptop
Bag of burner phones
Portable cassette player and headphones

Advanced Skills:
3 Sharpshooting
2 Awareness
2 Investigating
2 Stakeouts
1 Music trivia
1 Wrestling
-2 Philosophy

You can sense where anyone is in The Trails or on The Road as long as you know their full name and something personal about them.

It's not always a good idea to use the main roads. Not safe to be out under the eyes of other travelers and the CC TVs. Better to stay out of sight and make your own way.

Patch-encrusted jean jacket
Worn boots
Walking stick (Damage as Polearm)
Rainbow-anodized gas station knife
Gym bag (Slots as 2 Backpacks)

Advanced Skills:
3 OpSec
3 Temerity
2 Making friends
2 Orienteering
2 Scrounging
-1 Relaxing
-1 Trusting

You can find lost trails and forgotten roads or forge new ones to go wherever you want.

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