Tiny Coffins Challenge: December

First prompt! Let's see how this goes. The format for these will be [prompt] and [what was in my head when I chose it]. The 'what I was thinking' bit isn't part of the prompt, it's just a second serving of me shouting into the void. Run with it or ignore it as you like. 

This month's prompt is:

"trust in the strength of what you stand on"

There are abstract interpretations in that, but for me it's very concrete: The solidity of the actual surface I'm standing on. The sense of sheer mass underfoot when on a slab of exposed bedrock, the perceptible sway and rattle while climbing a lighthouse staircase; but mostly childhood memories of walking out on the ice. Knowing that a foot of ice could support a car and I'm perfectly safe; even though I'm looking down into dozens of feet of dark water that would kill me in minutes if I fell through. And later in life, the heart-stopping realization that I've made a horrible mistake as my boot sinks inches into a patch of spongy, partially-melted ice.

Have at and have fun!

*I'm using #TinyCoffinsChallenge to announce these, so that hashtag exists for real now. Go ahead and use it if you also want to yell on twitter.

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