1d20 Power Sources

1 The heart of a forsaken child, in situ
2 12ccs of joyful tears sealed in a glass vial
3 One irate pixie trapped in a vintage tin film canister
4 Fist-sized Dyson sphere, the internal microsun requires 1 mole of hydrogen fuel a week
5 Briefcase nuke converted into a Stirling engine, can be restored to its original purpose in minutes
6 10' tall, 2' in diameter tapered pillar of polished yggdrasil heartwood
7 Eight-chamber spirit reactor built from interlocking warded ribcages, currently contains 17 distinct ghosts
8 Aluminum motor housing holding a tiny golem who just really loves to spin
9 21 lbs of anti-helium in a magnetically-lined vacuum flask, clearly labeled with MSDS warning symbols
10 Coiled carbon fiber skep housing petrobees built with siphon spigots to non-destructively collect the diesel honey, chance of swarming if handled roughly
11 Perpetual motion core, stops functioning when you try to figure out how it works and resumes when you give up
12 Captive phoenix held in a fireclay aviary
13 Fuel cell housing lightning and water elementals that hate each other
14 3' long copper-capped silver tube packed with pulverized wizard bone, radiates ionizing arcane energy from the ends
15 Divine eyeball excavated from the husk of an old god, it'll want it back when it wakes
16 Potential tsunami caught seconds after its birth, condensed and contained in a blue glass fishing float
17 The Scream Vortex
18 Colony of ants trained t move in synchrony, respond to different chemical signals and expect pure sugar
19 Self-recharging batteries that draw power through a tiny wormhole leading to a light mill stationed just outside a black hole's event horizon
20 Car battery, corroded 12-volt wet cell with sparky cables

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