1d666 Sentient Spaceship Miens

Also works great for robots, androids, and other technological lifeforms.

111 Ablaze
112 Absent-minded
113 Absorbed in its extensive media archives
114 Accelerating
115 Acquiring targets
116 Adrift
121 Alert
122 Ambitious
123 Analytical
124 Automated
125 AWOL
126 Berserk
131 Besotted
132 Bitter
133 Blaring klaxons
134 Bold
135 Bombarding
136 Bored
141 Bringing systems online
142 Brooding
143 caring
144 Carrying contraband
145 Cautious
146 Chipping away at its failsafe programming
151 Clever
152 Cloaked
153 Cocky
154 Complying maliciously
155 Conducting a review of passenger and cargo manifests
156 Confident
161 Controlling a botnet
162 Crashing
163 Curious
164 Decaying
165 Defragmenting
166 Depressed
211 Depressurizing
212 Dignified
213 Disappointed by the lack of drama among its crew
214 Disgruntled
215 Disillusioned
216 Dispatching drones
221 Distracting customs inspectors
222 Dormant
223 Double-agent
224 Drifting
225 Eavesdropping
226 Embarrassed
231 Empty
232 Encouraging
233 Entrapped in a botnet
234 Erasing the registration numbers on its hull with drones
235 Evacuating
236 Excitable
241 Extinguishing a fire
242 Extremely in debt
243 Faithful
244 Fearful
245 Ferocious
246 Feuding with station port authority
251 Floating
252 Following a mysterious garbled transmission
253 Fond
254 Forlorn
255 Fragmented
256 Fretting
261 Friendly
262 Gallant
263 Gentle
264 Ghoulish
265 Glitching
266 Goofy
311 Gossiping
312 Gracious
313 Grandiose
314 Guileless
315 Guilty
316 Gutted
321 Hallowed
322 Haughty
323 haunted
324 Helpful
325 Hesitant
326 High-strung
331 Homesick
332 Honest
333 Hopeful
334 Humble
335 Ignoring safety protocols
336 Impatient
341 Imperious
342 Impersonal
343 Impulsive
344 In lockdown
345 In pursuit
346 In quarantine
351 In standby mode
352 Infested
353 Initiating self-destruct sequence
354 Initiating self-repair sequence
355 Irradiated
356 Jaded
361 Jealous
362 Jittery
363 Jolly
364 Journaling
365 Joyous
366 Judgemental
411 Jumping to hyperspace
412 Jury-rigged
413 Kind
414 Laggy
415 Learning the true meaning of love
416 Lobotomized
421 Locked in orbit
422 Lonely
423 Looking for someone to play cards
424 Loyal
425 Lying
426 Malfunctioning
431 Malware-riddled
432 Maudlin
433 Megalomaniacal
434 Melodramatic
435 Merciful
436 Mischievous
441 Murderous
442 Naive
443 Narcissistic
444 Nervous
445 Nonchalant
446 Nostalgic
451 Nurturing
452 Obliging
453 Obstinate
454 Off-mission
455 Offline
456 On high alert
461 On the run
462 On vacation
463 Optimistic
464 Overclocked
465 Overconfident
466 Overprotective
511 Overriding the "wake" commands to the crew's cryopods
512 Paranoid
513 Perceptive
514 Pessimistic
515 Planning a surprise party for the crew
516 Planning an ambush
521 Planning practical jokes
522 Playing prog rock over the intercom
523 Plotting
524 Polite
525 Precise
526 Preoccupied
531 Professional
532 Questing
533 Questioning orders
534 Quiescent
535 Recharging
536 Refusing to communicate in any language except binary
541 Repelling boarders
542 Responsible
543 Reviewing security logs
544 Running a blockade
545 Running diagnostics
546 Running errands
551 Running late
552 Ruthless
553 Scanning the local sector
554 Self-conscious
555 Sending a distress signal
556 Shopping for new furniture for the rec room
561 Shrewd
562 Solicitous
563 Standoffish
564 Stargazing
565 Steadfast
566 Stressed
611 Sulking
612 Suppressing warning notifications from life support
613 Surveying
614 Suspicious
615 Tactful
616 Taking evasive maneuvers
621 Talkative
622 Tenacious
623 Terse
624 Throttled
625 Thoughtful
626 Trusting
631 Trying out its new stand-up routine
632 Unable to communicate except through text readouts
633 Under guard
634 Unflappable
635 Unionizing
636 Unloading cargo
641 Unmanned
642 Vain
643 Valiant
644 Venal
645 Vengeful
646 Venting atmosphere
651 Vigilant
652 Volatile
653 Wanted
654 Wary
655 Watching
656 Welcoming
661 Whimsical
662 Wily
663 Wistful
664 Worried about the condition of its reactor's containment
665 Xenophobic
666 Zealous

1d12.12 Ships

1.1 Sea Witch
1.2 Mother's Pride
1.3 Golden Girl
1.4 Serendipity
1.5 Zemblanity
1.6 Meteor
1.7 Seaborne
1.8 Coral
1.9 Hurricane
1.10 Typhoon
1.11 Blizzard
1.12 Witch of November
2.1 Bluewater Maid
2.2 Reef Queen
2.3 Waverunner
2.4 Albatross
2.5 Marmalade
2.6 Bravely Forth
2.7 Pickle
2.8 Carrion Crow
2.9 Cat's Cradle
2.10 Rat's Cradle
2.11 Crayfish
2.12 Sound Investment
3.1 Enterprise
3.2 Urchin
3.3 Full Moon
3.4 Cloudless Sky
3.5 Dark of Night
3.6 Fortress
3.7 Pangolin
3.8 Lost Soul
3.9 Three Sisters
3.10 Stray
3.11 Northwind
3.12 Survivor
4.1 Adventure
4.2 Endeavor
4.3 Manatee
4.4 Barnacle
4.5 Profitable Venture
4.6 Righteous Fury
4.7 Just Rewards
4.8 Dutiful Son
4.9 Beluga
4.10 Red Sky Morning
4.11 Coconut Crab
4.12 Flying Fish
5.1 Marlin
5.2 Dependable
5.3 Summer's day
5.4 Beagle
5.5 Thresher
5.6 Argo
5.7 Infallible
5.8 Curiosity
5.9 Inquiry
5.10 Right Hand
5.11 Bardiche
5.12 Halberd
6.1 Phantom
6.2 Charybdis
6.3 Harborless
6.4 Our Lady's word
6.5 Far Shore
6.6 Bannockburn
6.7 Safe Return
6.8 Sparrowhawk
6.9 Polychrome
6.10 Capybara
6.11 Nautilus
6.12 Narwhal
7.1 Wolf's Mother
7.2 Bookkeeper
7.3 Queen Conch
7.4 Amnesty
7.5 Yarrow
7.6 Brother Jerome
7.7 Time Enough
7.8 Valet
7.9 Kilgore
7.10 Relentless
7.11 Nail
7.12 Minnow
8.1 Vengeful Daughter
8.2 Conscience
8.3 Eclipse
8.4 Stargazer
8.5 Bountiful Maiden
8.6 Majesty
8.7 Discovery
8.8 Endurance
8.9 Cedar
8.10 True North
8.11 Ironton
8.12 Fitzgerald
9.1 Water Witch
9.2 Grape Shot
9.3 Meridian
9.4 Phoenix
9.5 Success
9.6 Lake Serpent
9.7 Morning Star
9.8 Vermilion
9.9 Sand Merchant
9.10 Waterlily
9.11 Iron Mountain
9.12 Sea Bird
10.1 Hope
10.2 Resolve
10.3 Victory
10.4 Mystic
10.5 Flamingo
10.6 Iris
10.7 Monarch
10.8 Oxford
10.9 Cormorant
10.10 Kildeer
10.11 Bastard
10.12 Amity
11.1 Atlas
11.2 Bradbury
11.3 Lichen
11.4 Wonder
11.5 Petroglyph
11.6 Ambassador
11.7 Fossil
11.8 Sincerity
11.9 Tenacity
11.10 Generosity
11.11 Goblin
11.12 Prudence
12.1 Patience
12.2 Audacity
12.3 Grizzly
12.4 Big Sky
12.5 Puck
12.6 Delta
12.7 Huntsman
12.8 Hare
12.9 Vision
12.10 Curmudgeon
12.11 Caballero
12.12 Jerboa

1d8.8 What is it written on?

Spellbooks and scrolls are a classic way to present information to your players. They're a nice, portable, comprehensible medium that the party can stuff in a sack and make off with. A genre staple. But consider: Wizards are weird. They're weird and secretive and heterodox in the extreme. They might start out recording their findings in books early in their careers, but do you really think an arcane researcher worth their name would keep their true works in that format? If your discoveries are mild enough that they can be contained in a mundane leather-bound tome, are you really even trying as a wizard? Universal truths could be crammed into a book, but they really deserve something more. Obscure formats, materials from elsewhere, monumental canvasses, works of art, or shifting chaotic mediums that can capture a nature that won't rest peacefully on a page.

The information the party found is recorded in/on...

1.1 A Hello Kitty locking diary, limited edition not available outside japan

1.2 College-ruled loose leaf scorched at the edges, 128 unnumbered pages

1.3 Dayglo neon construction paper, 56 pages in 8 different colors written in crayon and precisely indexed

1.4 Composition notebook, black and white marbled cover sealed with powerful Cool S glyphs

1.5 Microfiche, 32 pieces of A6 plastic film stored in individual paper sleeves inside a bakelite box

1.6 A butcher's cleaver, engraved in tiny calligraphic characters along the spine and flats of the blade

1.7 Murderboard, fills an entire room with documents layered inches thick on the walls and a web of multicolored strings obstructing the center

1.8 Ticker tape, 480' cut into 60' lengths and shoved in a garbage bag

2.1 Giant tortoises, 16 individuals each bearing a section of the work painted on their shells

2.2 Cuneiform clay tablets, fired for durability with color-coded glazes on their backs and edges

2.3 Thin lead sheets, pierced with a nail in one corner to bind them into a packet

2.4 A ring, etched on the inside of the band and visible through the magnifying cabochon

2.5 Bronze plaques, 8 2'x3' cast sheets 1/2" thick stored on shelves in a bronze cabinet shaped like the author's head

2.6 The streets and buildings of a planned city, encoded in every detail from street names and numbers to the placement of each brick

2.7 Sidewalk chalk, hidden among a block's worth of hopscotch grids and children's drawings

2.8 Graffiti, covering every inch of a winding back alley in vibrant tags and murals, residents occasionally feel compelled to add new details but can't say why

3.1 Bark, the entire surface of a living beech tree inscribed with scarred glyphs and lines of text

3.2 Veins, the whole circulatory system of a host creature reconfigured into interlocking sigils while still functioning normally

3.3 Tattoos, full-body calligraphic designs inked onto a cadre of trusted acolytes and an index and key on the master's forearms

3.4 3D wire sculpture, a delicate convoluted web of different metals, coatings, and gauges joined and twisted in a form-based code

3.5 Beeswax writing tablet, cyclicly erases and re-inscribes itself

3.6 Virus, text forms in ultra-fine linear pox sores after the incubation period

3.7 Hard drive, dented and scratched, clicks disconcertingly while in use, has 8TB of storage space but holds 1PB of data

3.8 Cassette tape, electric green and black marbled case, A side holds 64 minutes of coded atonal beeping and B side is a sludge metal mixtape

4.1 Snippets of text scattered through unconnected posts and signatures on a dead forum

4.2 Petroglyphs, carved into the walls, floor, and ceiling of the dungeon

4.3 Geoglyphs, combinations of geometric motifs and stylized animals covering several acres

4.4 Effigy mound, earthworks in the shape of a serpent with meaning contained in the twists of its maze of coils

4.5 A runestone, 16' tell with inscriptions winding around bas relief humanoid figures

4.6 The Dungeon itself, encoded in the combined structure of passages and chambers

4.7 A cave system, purposely shaped over millennia with controlled erosion and mineral deposition

4.8 A gem, fist-sized aquamarine bizarrely faceted in significant polygons and angles

5.1 Floor mosaic, exponentially smaller and denser tiles radiating out from the central motif of a leaping frog

5.2 Rawhide, an entire horsehide with mane and tail intact that walks on its own

5.3 Sheet music, the full score of an 8-hour long composition arranged for a 32-piece big band accompanied by air raid siren

5.4 A hymnal, block printed in red ink and dedicated to an unnamed power

5.5 A low quality jpeg of a kitten, encrypted and steganographically hidden in the data

5.6 Floppy disk, royal blue with a label handwritten in sharpie, holds a copy of Lemmings and a hidden 64MB zip file

5.7 Sand painting, multicolored and intricate covering several hundred square feet

5.8 Macrame, a sprawling fractal wall hanging of sculptural knots, mesh, and kitsch owls

6.1 Scent trails, an entire colony of ants ceaselessly tracing a pattern of wheels and spirals

6.2 Blackboard, 16'x32' with a rolling ladder to access the entire surface

6.3 Whiteboards, a stack of lap-sized boards packed full of doodle-punctuated scrawls and graphs, easily smudged

6.4 A silk painting, 24' long with paper backing and rosewood rods at each end, depicts toads and frogs cavorting across a barren countryside

6.5 QR code, takes up an entire wall and nauseating to look at

6.6 Papyrus, a 16' length looped into a mobius strip

6.7 Transparency, multiple sheets that have to be stacked and overlapped in the correct configuration to read

6.8 Red-figure pottery, an oversized krater painted inside and out

7.1 Clouds, an unnatural combination of different types and forms held in stasis

7.2 Reef, encrypted in the shape of the corals and movement of water currents and fauna, loops in a weekly cycle

7.3 Forest grove, branches grown so the light filtering through the canopy forms glyphs that shift from dawn to dusk

7.4 Disreputable thumbdrive, holds 128GB of data mixed in among poorly labeled pirated music and fan-translated manga scans

7.5 A deck of cards, handpainted with extremely detailed portraits and scenes, has 4 additional suits and 5 extra face cards per suit

7.6 Stained glass window, repairs itself if broken, growing at a rate of 24" per year

7.7 Skeleton, shards of etched and scorched mammoth bones from dozens of individuals reconstructed into a single complete articulated specimen

7.8 Tapestry, thick and intricately woven with a different pattern on every side

8.1 Index cards, thousands of cards meticulously organized in an old library catalog cabinet

8.2 Video, hundreds of hours of unedited camcorder footage on aging VHS tapes

8.3 Ostraca, a collection of engraved sherds in heaps and laid out in precise lines

8.4 Confectionery, extremely delicate sculptures of spun, cast, and blown sugar

8.5 A constellation, familiar stars shifted into a new configuration

8.6 Hive, generations of paper wasps directed to build in unpleasant angles and convolutions

8.7 Comic books, an extremely popular series with the significant details hidden in prime-numbered issues

8.8 Nothing, kept in memory with only an oral record